Paramount Family Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Hamilton

Sigma ProAdjuster setup

What is the Sigma ProAdjuster?

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Although traditional chiropractic adjustments have been proven to help patients with back pain, headaches, and limited range of motion it relies strictly on the skills of local chiropractors. The Sigma ProAdjuster or Ultralign is known to diagnose and treat spinal problems more effectively. This revolutionary technology has transformed the care that Paramount Family Chiropractic offers to patients in Hamilton. With precise and effective adjustments, this tool will help you achieve optimal spinal health. This blog will help you gain more knowledge about the Sigma ProAdjuster and what it can do for your treatment plan. If you are interested in chiropractic care in Hamilton, contact us today!

Sigma ProAdjuster being used on a patient

State-of-the-Art Technology

The Sigma ProAdjuster utilizes cutting-edge technology to assess and adjust the spine. The device combines computerized sensors with a handheld device to evaluate the spine’s mobility and areas of misalignment. This sophisticated software provides chiropractors in Hamilton with real-time data to accurately diagnose the spine’s condition and determine the appropriate adjustment.

Sigma ProAdjuster device

Non-Invasive and Gentle Approach

When local chiropractors use traditional manual adjustments, this involves physical manipulation of the spine. With Ultralign, patients receive a non-invasive and gentle alternative. This is due to the gentle pulse to specific areas of the spine that the device targets to correct misalignment.

Sigma ProAdjuster being used on a patient

Precise and Individualized Adjustments

This device is perfect for patients seeking chiropractic care in Hamilton that is precise and individualized. Sigma ProAdjuster will evaluate the spine’s mobility and measure the response to the applied pressure. Then the device can determine the exact amount of force required for each adjustment. This makes each appointment customizable to your specific needs.

Sigma ProAdjuster information monitor

Enhanced Patient Communication and Education

The advantage of letting local chiropractors use the Ultralign device is the ability to visually and graphically see your spine’s condition. Your chiropractor will be able to display areas of misalignment and their severity while discussing a treatment plan. This device promotes more patient involvement, which improves understanding and active participation.

The advanced capabilities of the Sigma ProAdjuster make it an invaluable tool for chiropractic care in Hamilton. Paramount Family Chiropractic is proud to use this tool to provide effective and personalized care to patients for better spinal health. Contact us today!

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